image - Enable Brotli Compressing using .htaccess file

Enable Brotli Compressing using .htaccess file

To check if Brotli is enabled on the server for the current PHP version: php -m | grep brotli To use it on the website add the following to the beginning of the .htaccess file: <ifmodule mod_deflate.c> AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/text...

2023 03 30 16 45 - Jetbackup: Reindex backups for a single cpanel account

Jetbackup: Reindex backups for a single cpanel account

Here is a simple one-liner to reindex backups from the destination just for a single cpanel account:

jetbackup5api -F reindexDestination -D "_id={DESTINATIONID}&account_username={USERNAME}"

Source: Jetbackup5 API

2023 04 10 17 43 - cPanel Icons are missing!

cPanel Icons are missing!

After a recent cPanel update, some cPanel icons are missing: cPanel Icons are missing! To troubleshoot the issue right click on one of the missing icons and click on “Inspect Element” in cpanel, all icons are merged into one single file...

2023 03 27 09 50 1 - Moving Jetbackup's jetindexd directory

Moving Jetbackup’s jetindexd directory

On Jetbackup < v5.3.0  there is a known bug with WiredTiger that jetindex is based upon, causing the jetindexd directory to grow in size when using S3 storage. If you are running out of space on the /usr partition, temporary workaround for...

chrome 7spm80ytMF - Find all WordPress installations  and export their databases

Find all WordPress installations and export their databases

This simple script will search for all wp-config.php files in a directory, pull the database name and create a backup of it. for wpinstall in $(find "$(pwd)"/ -type f -name wp-config.php | sed 's/wp-config.php//g') do echo "$wpinstall" dbname=$(grep...

chrome h3nDAdjxo1 - Add custom Apache rules in cPanel

Add custom Apache rules in cPanel

You can customize Apache (2.4) virtual hosts with Include Files, by creating new include.conf file for that user or for all vhosts on your server. 💡 In the following code snippets make sure to replace: <user> with the cpanel...