When you change a package for a cpanel account,new limits are applied immediately but the statistics section in the dashboard still shows old info. To refresh the data for a single cpanel account simply delete the .cpanel/datastore directory for...
Restarting a NodeJS application in cPanel *(CloudLinux) gives 503 error and the stderr.log states: Exception ignored in: <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'> BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe node[175421]:...
Here is how to detect user country from the IP address that cPanel displays on the right side of the Tools page, and add a flag representing that country. Display Country based Flags for cPanel last Login IP Address 1.) First download the flag icons...
cPanel update script that is executed every night is /scripts/upcp and according to its code, file named /scripts/postupcp will get executed at the end: if (-e "/scripts/postupcp") { system("/scripts/postupcp"); } We can use this file to add a...
Jupiter is the name of the new default cPanel theme, and one of the most hated things about the new theme is the new icon style: jupiter cpanel theme icons To bring back the old icons from the Paper Lantern theme to Jupiter, simply copy the icons cp...
Step 1. Add the dedicated IP address to the user’s subdomain file. cd /var/cpanel/userdata/username Note: username represents the user who requires that each subdomain use a dedicated IP address. nano subdomain.example.com The file’s...
cPanel To count users, run the following command: grep -Po '^(?<!#)\s\w+\s(?=:)' /etc/userplans | wc -l Also, it may be useful to list users. To do so, run the following command: cut -d":" -f1 /etc/userplans | sort -n | uniq Plesk To count users...
To check if Brotli is enabled on the server for the current PHP version: php -m | grep brotli To use it on the website add the following to the beginning of the .htaccess file: <ifmodule mod_deflate.c> AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/text...
Here is a simple one-liner to reindex backups from the destination just for a single cpanel account:
jetbackup5api -F reindexDestination -D "_id={DESTINATIONID}&account_username={USERNAME}"
Source: Jetbackup5 API
After a recent cPanel update, some cPanel icons are missing: cPanel Icons are missing! To troubleshoot the issue right click on one of the missing icons and click on “Inspect Element” in cpanel, all icons are merged into one single file...