chrome q93DfQYoyT - WordPress SMTP settings via functions.php

WordPress SMTP settings via functions.php

Like many other PHP scripts, WordPress also uses PHPmailer to send transactional emails. If no email is set for sending emails, WordPress will use the default cPanel email account ( which isn’t pretty. To specify...

image 2 - [ERROR] Unknown/unsupported storage engine: InnoDB

[ERROR] Unknown/unsupported storage engine: InnoDB

MariaDB service failed due to insufficient space on /var partition. After removing the log/backup files, MySQL failed to start with the error: service mysqld status Jan 24 08:34:07 systemd[1]: Starting MariaDB database server…Jan...

image 9 - Allow SMTP Relay in cPanel / WHM

Allow SMTP Relay in cPanel / WHM

To allow sending emails from another server (to use your server as a relay), you need to allow access to that IP address. Step 1. Whitelist IP address on the firewall csf -a IP-HERE Step 2. Add IP address to Exim Configuration Navigate to WHM >...

image 8 - CyberPanel Grid-style websites

CyberPanel Grid-style websites

The following CSS will show the websites list as a grid in CyberPanel: /* websites */ a[title="Manage Website"] span {display: none;} [ng-repeat="web in WebSitesList track by $index"] .col-md-12:not(:first-child) { display: none; } .panel.col-md-12...

image 8 - 2 ways to Install SSL in VestaCP

2 ways to Install SSL in VestaCP

Installing an SSL via Vesta Control Panel Installing a free Let’s Encrypt SSL via terminal Installing SSL via Vesta Control Panel To add a SSL to a website in Vesta, you must first complete the following: Add the domain name Change DNS to the...

image 7 - Change the Timezone for MySQL

Change the Timezone for MySQL

Check the current timezone from MySQL: SELECT TIMEDIFF(NOW(), UTC_TIMESTAMP); OR select now(); To check where the timezone is loaded from use: SELECT @@session.time_zone; SELECT @@global.time_zone; If it is set to SYSTEM then it is using either...

chrome n4SE3pYocj - BASH Scripting – Conditional Statements (if-then, else, elif)

BASH Scripting – Conditional Statements (if-then, else, elif)

In this tutorial, we will be discussing some of the conditional statements (aka structured commands). Firstly, what are Conditional statements ? In a BASH scripts, commands run sequentially that means first line will be executed first, then next one...

nginx nodejs configuration - Nginx Configuration file example for NodeJS App

Nginx Configuration file example for NodeJS App

Nginx Configuration file example for NodeJS App: server { listen 80; server_name; # redirect everything to https return 301 ; } server { listen 443 ssl; ssl on; ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;...