To check if Brotli is enabled on the server for the current PHP version: php -m | grep brotli To use it on the website add the following to the beginning of the .htaccess file: <ifmodule mod_deflate.c> AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/text...
This simple script will search for all wp-config.php files in a directory, pull the database name and create a backup of it. for wpinstall in $(find "$(pwd)"/ -type f -name wp-config.php | sed 's/wp-config.php//g') do echo "$wpinstall" dbname=$(grep...
This one-liner will backup your WordPress files and database into a directory name with today’s date. mkdir -p ../backup/$(date +%Y-%m-%d) ; mysqldump $(grep DB_NAME wp-config.php | grep -v WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT | cut -d \' -f 4) | gzip > ...
Here is a small script that I use when migrating WordPress websites from some other panel to cPanel. I export the database on the old server and then simply copy the .sql dump file along with all other WP files from the old server to the new one...
Like many other PHP scripts, WordPress also uses PHPmailer to send transactional emails. If no email is set for sending emails, WordPress will use the default cPanel email account ( which isn’t pretty. To specify...
When migrating a WordPress website database import failed with the error: mysql -u USERNAME -p DB-NAME < /PATH/dump.sql ERROR 1227 (42000) at line 3258: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation so I...
The shell contains an interesting feature that records each action performed by the script and sends to the attacker the IP address from which the request originates, as well as the file path. So we can see all the pages that were viewed or modified...
In this guide, I will be setting up CWP on a small VPS, then install WordPress. This process consists of: Installing CWPSetting up CSFChange Default package limitsSet a custom PHP versionCreate a new accountCreate MySQL database and userInstall...
For WordPress websites that use both Softaculous backups and AllInOne Migration plugin backups, Softaculous backups include the .wpress files created by the ai1wm plugin and therefore this will significantly increase the size of Softaculous...
To enable LiteSpeed Crawler option server-wide in cPanel, edit the following file /etc/apache2/conf.d/includes/pre_main_global.conf By the official cPanel docs, only the following is mandatory: <IfModule Litespeed> CacheEngine on crawler...