Jupiter is the name of the new default cPanel theme, and one of the annoying things on this new theme is that the Statistics section on the right has no clickable links. To make the section clickable open the theme file nano...
cPanel WebDav not working for a single cPanel account: tail /usr/local/cpanel/logs/cpdavd_error_log PROPFIND: / -> 400 ‘Bad Request’ {Can’t locate Cpanel/Carp.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Cpanel::Carp module) (@INC...
Like many other PHP scripts, WordPress also uses PHPmailer to send transactional emails. If no email is set for sending emails, WordPress will use the default cPanel email account (username@domain.com) which isn’t pretty. To specify...
To allow sending emails from another server (to use your server as a relay), you need to allow access to that IP address. Step 1. Whitelist IP address on the firewall csf -a IP-HERE Step 2. Add IP address to Exim Configuration Navigate to WHM >...
406 Not Acceptable Nginx error means that a ModSecurity rule was triggered. nginx error log: 2022/11/25 09:17:49 [error] 26611#26611: *123 [client] ModSecurity: Access denied with code 406 (phase 2). Matched “Operator Ge' with...
Here is how to fix the following error: Connection to [/tmp/lshttpd/lsphp5.sock] on request #0, confirmed, 0, associated process: -1, running: 0, error: Connection reset by peer! error_log: 2021-01-28 10:05:51.751 [INFO] [lsphp5] PID: 45143, add...
If clients are complaining for dozens of LFD alerts from their VPS’s running cPanel here is how to completely disable those email alerts. Here are two ways to disable LFD alerts: From WHM > ConfigServer Security & FirewallFrom the...
Quick List of the Best Web Hosting Control Panels OpenPanel – a robust hosting panel designed to provide your users with a VPS-like experience. cPanel – Best Linux-only web hosting control panel for users who want a control panel...
xmlrpc.com is a WordPress file that was intended to be used for API’s but lately it’s more and more used as a way for hackers to brute-force WordPress installations. To list all IP addresses that sent requests to /xmlrpc.php in last...
After installing LiteSpeed in our server, new uploads in WordPress websites (wp-content/uploads directory) are showing “nobody” permissions. If switched back to Apache, uploads work fine and are uploaded under the correct user. Error log...