windows 10 2018 insider wallpaper - Ports


Parallel ports

Windows uses lpt1, lpt2, & lpt3.Linux uses /dev/lp0, /dev/lp1, & /dev/lp2.

Serial ports

Windows uses com1, com2, & so on.Linux uses /dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttyS1, & so on.

linux - Set up SWAT to configure Samba

Set up SWAT to configure Samba

nano /etc/xinetd.d/swat Here’s my swat file: service swat { port = 901 socket_type = stream wait = no only_from = # only_from = user = root server = /usr/sbin/swat log_on_failure += USERID # disable = yes } By commenting...

MobaXterm Personal 20.3 FM2lPEymBj - Linux 📁 Directories

Linux 📁 Directories

/etc = system & application settings/etc/skel = “skeleton” files used to create user accounts /lib = security files, system modules, & libraries containing software libraries & information databases /opt = pre-loaded software...

linux - A quick guide to Linux Permissions 🚫

A quick guide to Linux Permissions 🚫

After typing ls -l, you’ll get a list of all files & directories, along with other information, including permissions associated with those files & directories. These permissions might look like this: -rw-rw-r-- lrwxrwxrwx -rwxr...

linux - I can't remember the name of the command I need

I can’t remember the name of the command I need

The apropos command searches a database of commands, using keywords: apropos <keyword> Note that your keyword might not work. So try different keywords until it does! If apropos does not work, you probably need to rebuild...

linux - Execute commands one after the other, in order

Execute commands one after the other, in order

This is called command stacking.

To stack commands, use a semicolon (;) between commands, like this:

cd /etc ; ls -l

Be very careful when command stacking, especially when deleting or moving files! Make sure what you typed is what you want!

linux - See previous commands 🔙 you entered at the command line

See previous commands 🔙 you entered at the command line

To see and choose previous commands, use the up arrow. Up to 500 of your last commands are stored in .bash_history (note the period before the file name). To automatically run the previous command, use this: !! To run a command that...

linux - Find files 🔍 using the locate command

Find files 🔍 using the locate command

locate = find data files, programs, directories, & objects matching your search. For example: locate license Since you usually receive quite a long list when running locate, you’ll probably want to do this: locate <search term>...