what is cpanel - How to Delete 🚮 cPanel Frozen ✉️ Emails

How to Delete 🚮 cPanel Frozen ✉️ Emails

Howto check number of emails in the mail queue: exim -bpc To check the email ID, sender and receiver of the each email: exim -bp | more To delete frozen emails from the mail queue, execute: exim -bp | grep 'frozen' | awk '{print $3}' | xargs exim ...

image 32 - How to Enable Basic cPanel End-User Security

How to Enable Basic cPanel End-User Security

As much as you are concerned about the security of your servers, your end users are likely just as concerned about what measures you have in place to protect their accounts against hacking attempts and unauthorized access. The following tips will...

what is php 3 1 - A Simple PHP/XML Sitemap Generator

A Simple PHP/XML Sitemap Generator

XML Sitemaps are a useful method for search engines to quickly pick up new content they would otherwise have to find via hyperlinks on the web. Sitemaps can also provide useful metadata regarding URLs such as its last modification date, how often...

what is php 3 1 - Using PHP DOM Functions to Parse PHP and Find Links

Using PHP DOM Functions to Parse PHP and Find Links

When developing websites, there are a million and one reasons that you will find yourself needing to parse some HTML to find snippets of information. On the face of it, most of the time a simple regular expression will do the trick, particularly...

sqljpg - ⚠️ SQL 2012 Reporting not starting

⚠️ SQL 2012 Reporting not starting

Error Message: Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportServerException: The Report Server Windows service ‘ReportServer$SCE’ is not running. The service must be running to use Report Server. (rsReportServerServiceUnavailable)at Microsoft...

what is php 3 1 - Simple PHP & MySQL Pagination

Simple PHP & MySQL Pagination

When looking at MySQL output, it is sometimes more convenient to split up the number of records returned into separate pages and include hyperlinks to further pages in the result set, a layout often referred to as pagination. The following is an...

image 24 - How to monitor and 🔄 auto restart cron service in cPanel

How to monitor and 🔄 auto restart cron service in cPanel

Sometimes the crond service fails quite often without any clue and it becomes necessary to monitor the cron service and auto-restart it. cPanel offers ‘chkservd’, a monitoring daemon that monitors the services on the server and restart...

linux - How 👨‍💻 hackers invade 🐧 Linux

How 👨‍💻 hackers invade 🐧 Linux

Today is Valentine’s Day, and I wish all lovers to be married, and I wish everyone a happy Valentine’s Day! But pay attention to safety at all times. Now let me talk about how to see how hackers have invaded Linux: The purpose...