Cover Image by MilesAndryPrower on DeviantArt

SQL Myth: Truncate table can not be rolled back

I heard this one again last week, and I’m not sure why it’s still going around. Microsoft changed the behavior of Truncate Table to be able to be rolled back, but this myth had been taught to DBAs for so many years, that I think some...

Cover Image by MilesAndryPrower on DeviantArt

A Quick and Efficient URL Shortener Using PHP and MySQL

URL shortener’s have proliferated in the past few years, mainly due to the confines of data length that mobile and social networks like Twitter apply. The following code example shows how to make a simple and efficient URL shortener, with...

image 26 - ⚠️ How to Enable Custom RBL’s in cPanel

⚠️ How to Enable Custom RBL’s in cPanel

By default, WHM gives you the option of using Spamhaus and/or Spamcop for added SPAM protection for incoming email. If you have additional DNSBL’s (DNS-based RBL’s) that you want Exim to check email against, you can easily enable them if...


Damn Small 🐧 Linux 🖥️

Damn Small Linux (DSL) – a small, business card size computer operating system based on Knoppix. It was designed to run graphical environment and applications on old PC machines with 486 Pentium processors and very little memory.

what is php 3 1 - Broken 🔗 Link Checker Using PHP and cURL

Broken 🔗 Link Checker Using PHP and cURL

Whether operating a commercial site, a directory, or a personal site, it is important to ensure you do not have ‘dead’ links on your website. Broken links; links that point to inactive domains or 404 pages are of little use to your site...

what is cpanel - How to Delete 🚮 cPanel Frozen ✉️ Emails

How to Delete 🚮 cPanel Frozen ✉️ Emails

Howto check number of emails in the mail queue: exim -bpc To check the email ID, sender and receiver of the each email: exim -bp | more To delete frozen emails from the mail queue, execute: exim -bp | grep 'frozen' | awk '{print $3}' | xargs exim ...

image 32 - How to Enable Basic cPanel End-User Security

How to Enable Basic cPanel End-User Security

As much as you are concerned about the security of your servers, your end users are likely just as concerned about what measures you have in place to protect their accounts against hacking attempts and unauthorized access. The following tips will...