Apache Tomcat Dashboard - ⚙️ Apache Tomcat: Check Version

⚙️ Apache Tomcat: Check Version

In this quick article I'll show you how you can check Apache Tomcat version. We will be using only the cmd and a method from catalina.jar

Apache mod rewrite vulnerability - ⚠️ CVE-2011-3368

⚠️ CVE-2011-3368

The information has been provided by Rodrigo Marcos. A recent Apache vulnerability has been made public whereby an attacker could gain unauthorised access to content in the DMZ network: The mod_proxy module in the Apache HTTP Server 1...

slowloris - 🦥 Slowloris DDoS Attack

🦥 Slowloris DDoS Attack

Slowloris is a denial-of-service attack program that allows an attacker to overwhelm a targeted server by opening and maintaining many simultaneous HTTP connections between the attacker and the target.

wordpress 973439 1920 - 🗡️WordPress DoS attack

🗡️WordPress DoS attack

WordPress DoS attack is possible by exploiting the vulnerability (CVE-2018-6389) in load-scripts.php and load-styles.php files.

perc - How to install PERC/LSI MegaCLI on Dell

How to install PERC/LSI MegaCLI on Dell

Here is how to install PERCS (LSI) MegaCLI utility on a Dell machine: Step 1: Download the latest version of MegaCLI here or use this alternative link. Step 2: Copy the file to your Linux machine. In this case, I will use /var/tmp/ Step 3:...

editor - Disable Gutenberg Editor ✏️ on WordPress

Disable Gutenberg Editor ✏️ on WordPress

Back in 2020, I published the Better Editor WordPress plugin which has a feature to disable the Gutenberg Editor completely. So you can use that plugin’s feature to disable the now default Block (Gutenberg) Editor in WordPress or you can also...