mysqldump command line tool is without doubt the most well known way to backup a MySQL database or multiple databases.
dig stands for Domain Information Groper and it's a DNS lookup tool that is popular on Linux.
For most of us it’s not a secret that using Windows nowadays gives you a lot of problems ranging from issues of vulnerability, pricing and even hardware compatibility. Problems like these should be easily resolved if not absent as every second...
The CMD SHUTDOWN command performs a graceful shutdown of the computer running Windows.
mysqladmin is a command line tool that allows you to do administrative tasks in MySQL without actually login to the MySQL console.
The default port that MongoDB runs on is 27017 and to change it we have to edit MongoDB's main configuration file, which for Linux Ubuntu/CentOS is mongod.conf and for Windows its mongod.cfg.
Today We’re gonna install PHP, MySQL and WordPress 5.5 on a new machine running Linux Ubuntu 20, and as a bonus, We’ll make a script to do it for us in the future. I’m running all the steps in this tutorial with root privileges, so...
To check mongodb version use the mongod command with --version option.