I needed to check a website , because some links doesn’t exist and when you open some web pages you get a “404”. #!/bin/bash echo "Checking broken links on " $1 echo "Extract all links in the main page..." wget --spider -r ...
Here is a simple bash script that I use to backup all mysql databases from the server: #! / bin / bash TIMESTAMP = $ (date + "% F") //backups will be stored in /backup/mysql BACKUP_DIR = "/ backup / mysql" MYSQL = / usr / bin / mysql MYSQLDUMP = /...
In many infrastructures it is possible that we need to control the performance of a computer or server. Performing this task manually is very complicated as we will most likely have to use several different tools, one to control each aspect...
How much RAM does your computer have? and better, how can you get detailed information about your RAM? If you wanna upgrade your computer’s memory this information will be useful I found a command that gave me all the necessary information and...
Here is a small script that does two things: Determinate script’s locationDelete the file #!/usr/bin/env bash // determinate where the script is SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd ) //...
Recently on a fresh installation of NextCloud, the following error appeared after logging into the dashboard: Internal Server Error The server was unable to complete your request. Or in plain text: Internal Server ErrorThe server was unable to...
Studies on passwords show that people are still using the same passwords even through several years.The worst passwords are the same. This is a danger in our security, sooner or later we could be hacked. Take a look of the summary of the worst...
Screen key is a simple but complete application that will allow us to capture on screen the keystrokes that we do while recording: Screenkey. Screenkey gives us the possibility of showing on screen the keystrokes in a nice way and with enough...