When you first create a new server, there are a few configuration steps that you should take early on as part of the basic setup. This will increase the security and usability of your server and will give you a solid foundation for subsequent...
When importing a dump file from MariaDB to MySQL the following error appears and forces MySQL service to restart: ERROR 2013 (HY000) at line 2286533: Lost connection to MySQL server during query error in MySQL error log file: 2022-02-02T12:07:43...
This script collects system information and status like hostname, kernel version, uptime, cpu / memory / disk usage. Script uses hostname, uptime, who, mpstat, lscpu, ps, top, df, free, bc commands to get system information and cut, grep, awk and...
Ping is one of the most used functions. It is the function that allows to check in a more or less effective way if there is connectivity with a device or Internet access, and detect problems. In this article, we will talk about a tool named Gping...
There are already 2 users logged on a server via remote desktop protocol (RDP) and We want to ask them nicely to logout so that We can join. We will be using a buil-in utility in Windows called MSG. It is a utility to send a message to a user...
Although we have applications to format USB drives like “gparted” in Linux, knowing the process in the command line is useful when working remotely or working on computers with few resources. The steps as well as the process is...
I needed to check a website , because some links doesn’t exist and when you open some web pages you get a “404”. #!/bin/bash echo "Checking broken links on " $1 echo "Extract all links in the main page..." wget --spider -r ...
Here is a simple bash script that I use to backup all mysql databases from the server: #! / bin / bash TIMESTAMP = $ (date + "% F") //backups will be stored in /backup/mysql BACKUP_DIR = "/ backup / mysql" MYSQL = / usr / bin / mysql MYSQLDUMP = /...