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linux - Working with the 🐧 Linux Shell

Working with the 🐧 Linux Shell

The shell is probably the most important tool you will use in GNU/Linux. Besides using it to enter simple commands, the shell will allow you to take “shortcuts” when entering commands and filenames. The shells allows you to redirect the...

image 1 - Generate a random number 🔢 in Unix Shell Script

Generate a random number 🔢 in Unix Shell Script

Here is how to generate a random number in a bash shell script. In the bash shell we have environmental variable $RANDOM that can generate a unique random number each time it is referenced. echo $RANDOM And to assign this value to a variable :...

image 16 - CWP Login to SSH error: This account is currently not available

CWP Login to SSH error: This account is currently not available

The SSH login error This account is currently not available indicates that the user does not have a proper shell set. SSH error: This account is currently not available First, check if your CWP user has access to the terminal: Add SSH access to CWP...

reboot aws instance - 3 Ways to Reboot AWS Instance EC2

3 Ways to Reboot AWS Instance EC2

Here are 3 different ways to restart EC2 AWS Instance: 1. Reboot EC2 Instance using AWS Console Login into your AWS EC2 ConsoleNavigate to “Instances” and Select instance which you want to restart, right-click on it and then select...

MobaXterm Personal 20.3 kv2c2lOpG8 - Bash script to check server load and notify by email

Bash script to check server load and notify by email

Shell scripts are always to handy to do some tasks on a Linux-based server for SysAdmins, they can automate everything they do frequently through a shell script. Here I’m going to share a simple script that I got from Muhammed Fasal to monitor...

image 80 - Create a new MySQL user dedicated to backups

Create a new MySQL user dedicated to backups

I recommend setting a new MySQL user for backups and never using the root MySQL account to do backups. Step 1. Log on to MySQL as root: mysql -u root -p Step 2. Create a new user and grant all necessary permissions: CREATE USER...

chrome Yibr4IgoiI - SH4LL AAF_Xploiter

SH4LL AAF_Xploiter

The shell contains an interesting feature that records each action performed by the script and sends to the attacker the IP address from which the request originates, as well as the file path. So we can see all the pages that were viewed or modified...

default root terminal ubuntu - Run terminal as root user by default in Ubuntu

Run terminal as root user by default in Ubuntu

Edit the sudoers file with: sudo visudo visudo is a command created with the sole purpose of locking the configuration file for sudo command located at /etc/sudoers Add to the end of the file: <username> ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL Syntax is...

unnamed - Troubleshooting 🕒 cron job issues on cPanel

Troubleshooting 🕒 cron job issues on cPanel

Check if Cronjob is properly created The first thing that we need to check when troubleshooting issues with corn jobs on cpanel is if the corn job is properly created. For this we go to cPanel > Cron Jobs Make sure that the cronjob is listed on...