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what is cpanel - WHO deleted files in cPanel and where from

WHO deleted files in cPanel and where from

Check the following log files:

To check if the files were deleted using FTP


To check if the files were deleted using file manager


If the files were deleted using shell access


what is cpanel - Create bulk email accounts in cPanel

Create bulk email accounts in cPanel

Lately I’ve been dealing a lot with email accounts in cPanel: Bulk change cPanel mailbox quota for all email ✉️ accounts and Bulk delete ✉️ email forwarders in cPanel. Here is how to bulk create email accounts in...

Wordpress background web design image in Backgrounds and Textures category at

Find older WordPress versions

This one-liner will help to find all WordPress installations running a specific version, where the current latest is 5.6 locate wp-includes/version.php | xargs grep "wp_version = " | grep -v " = '5-6'" A more efficient shell script that will scan...

Cover Image by MilesAndryPrower on DeviantArt

MySQL Database Vulnerability Scanning

Here is how to check MySQL databases for malware: Open up PHPMyAdminLook for anything ‘weird’ It’s that simple. What’s ‘weird’ you ask? Well, anything that’s ‘not supposed to be in the database’...

🐧 What does kill %1 do

It means to kill job number 1, not process number one. $ kill %1 Jobs can be listed with the jobs command. More broadly, it relates to whichever shell you are using, and the syntax could differ from shell to shell...

Screenshot of the Leaf PHP Mailer 2.8

🍃 LeafMailer – Malicious PHP Mailer script

A few weeks ago I was approached by a friend of mine, complaining about high load and CPU usage on one of his shared hosting servers (DELL) running CentOS 7, CloudLinux and cPanel. I was more than happy to take a look, and after a couple of minutes...

linux - Introduction to Networking

Introduction to Networking

Installing the Linux operating system is only the first step toward creating a fully functional departmental server or Web site. Almost all computers are now networked in some way to other devices therefore a basic understanding of networking and...