image 28 - How to hide PHP version in the HTTP Header

How to hide PHP version in the HTTP Header

The x-powered-by option is included within the HTTP response header by default, which reveals exactly which version of PHP your site uses. So that not everyone else knows that we are using PHP or maybe an older version of PHP, we can hide this...

image 75 - Increase file size and number of uploads limits in PHP

Increase file size and number of uploads limits in PHP

Here I will cover two approaches to increase file size and number of uploads limits in PHP: using the .htaccess fileusing the php.ini Why you should use .htaccess file As always, I recommend utilizing the. htaccess file because the directives will...

1649388536 335283 image - aaPanel security log is vulnerable to stored XSS

aaPanel security log is vulnerable to stored XSS

aaPanel is one of my favorite free hosting panels because it is lightweight and simple to use. The panel gets regular updates, and it offers several unique features that you only get in premium panels like cPanel, but I believe the greatest obstacle...

image 18 - logrotate usage with examples

logrotate usage with examples

For logrotate we create a configuration file inside /etc/logrotate.d/ directory and check if there is a logrotate file in /etc/cron.hourly/ – if not copy it from cron.daily Apache EXAMPLE 1: logrotate file that will only rotate a single file...

image 17 - Exclude ai1wm-backup folder from Softaculous backups

Exclude ai1wm-backup folder from Softaculous backups

For WordPress websites that use both Softaculous backups and AllInOne Migration plugin backups, Softaculous backups include the .wpress files created by the ai1wm plugin and therefore this will significantly increase the size of Softaculous...

chrome CbDAYeao73 - CWP Successful login keeps redirecting back to the login page

CWP Successful login keeps redirecting back to the login page

A strange problem with the CentOS Web panel was caused by 100% disk usage. The user gets redirected to the login page despite the fact that the login was successful. According to cwpsrv status the error is: Failed to parse PID from file...