image 80 - Create a new MySQL user dedicated to backups

Create a new MySQL user dedicated to backups

I recommend setting a new MySQL user for backups and never using the root MySQL account to do backups. Step 1. Log on to MySQL as root: mysql -u root -p Step 2. Create a new user and grant all necessary permissions: CREATE USER...

cpanel git tutorial - Complete guide to Git Version Control in cPanel

Complete guide to Git Version Control in cPanel

On cPanel Git can be used in two ways: clone a remote repository (e.g. from GitHub) to cPanelcreate a repository on cPanel and use it in a remote location (e.g. your pc) Here I will cover both ways and highlight some important steps that are not...

image 79 - Change MySQL data directory in PHPMyAdmin

Change MySQL data directory in PHPMyAdmin

In a recent article, I discussed many methods for removing the large ibdata file, one of which involves transferring the MySQL data directory to a different partition. However, if you do so, you must also inform PHPMyAdmin of the location of the...

dns zone error cpanel - The DNS zone file is invalid. Line X: ignoring out-of-zone data

The DNS zone file is invalid. Line X: ignoring out-of-zone data

When adding a new DNS records in cPanel > Zone Editor there is an error: Error: The DNS zone file is invalid. (Line 20: ignoring out-of-zone data (; Line 21: ignoring out-of-zone data ( How to fix error...

chrome Yibr4IgoiI - SH4LL AAF_Xploiter

SH4LL AAF_Xploiter

The shell contains an interesting feature that records each action performed by the script and sends to the attacker the IP address from which the request originates, as well as the file path. So we can see all the pages that were viewed or modified...

image 12 - WHMCS App Links get transferred when migrating a cPanel account

WHMCS App Links get transferred when migrating a cPanel account

Migrated cPanel account from one hosting provider to another using the Backup & Restore option, but the upgrade links in cPanel were also transferred. So when the user clicks on any of these options: cPanel statistics > Upgrade quota option...

chrome F0kxLpiDVa - Move email accounts from G-Suite to cPanel

Move email accounts from G-Suite to cPanel

In this guide I will be using IMAPSync tool to move emails from G-Suite to cPanel. Step 1. Enable less secure apps on G-Suite To move email accounts from G-Suite to cPanel first enable the “Allow users to manage their access to less secure...

image 31 - Whitelist Dynamic IP in CSF and cPanel

Whitelist Dynamic IP in CSF and cPanel

In this guide I will use cPanel’s Dynamic DNS feature to create a subdomain, then add that subdomain to CSF to automatically whitelist each IP that calls the URL. #1 Create Dynamic DNS In cPanel go to Dynamic DNS and create a new subdomain...