How to fix PHPSelector error: The received data is wrong. Contact support for resolution.

How to fix PHPSelector error: The received data is wrong. Contact support for resolution.

After enabling PHP8 on some servers I’ve noticed the following error appear when clicking on the “Reset to default” button for PHP8 in PHP Selector:

TxsJv6E1Ea 1024x536 - How to fix PHPSelector error: The received data is wrong. Contact support for resolution.

The last line was crucial for resolving the issue:

The received data is wrong. Contact support for resolution.

{"extensions": ["bcmath", "dba", "dom", "enchant", "fileinfo", "gd", "imagick", "imap", "intl", "ldap", "mbstring", "memcached", "igbinary", "mysqlnd", "nd_mysqli", "nd_pdo_mysql", "pdo", "odbc", "opcache", "pdo_odbc", "pdo_pgsql", "pdo_sqlite", "pgsql", "phar", "posix", "pspell", "soap", "sockets", "sysvmsg", "sysvsem", "sysvshm", "tidy", "xmlreader", "xmlwriter", "xsl"], "result": "success", "timestamp": 1633085517.9460063}

WARN:igbinary enabled as dependency (memcached)

As stated in Warning on the last line: igbinary extension was no enabled by default on PHP8, but Memcached extension is and it requires igbinary extension.

To resolve the issue, login to WHM and navigate to CloudLinux > Selector > Main Settings as shown on the screenshot bellow:

login to WHM and navigate to CloudLinux > Selector > Main Settings
login to WHM and navigate to CloudLinux > Selector > Main Settings

Under choose default modules for PHP 8.0 select the igbinary extension and save settings :

Under choose default modules for PHP 8.0 select the igbinary extension and save settings
Under choose default modules for PHP 8.0 select the igbinary extension and save settings

After that go-ahead to cPanel > PHPSelector and test if the error is gone when selecting the “Reset to default ” extensions.

Stefan Pejcic
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