HTTP/2 connectors use non-blocking I/O, only utilizing a container thread from the thread pool when there is data to read and write. For more information read The HTTP2 upgrade protocol – Apache Tomcat 8 Configuration Reference. There are two...
Here is how to change the header text in DSpace xmlui interface. Open file messages.xml: nano /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/xmlui/i18n/messages.xml Locate the following line: <message key="xmlui.dri2xhtml.structural.head-subtitle">DSpace...
In this article, I’m going to talk about the usage of Apache Tomcat’s shutdown functionality and how one can use it to remotely shutdown multiple Tomcat applications. Apache Tomcat has a shutdown functionality that allows you to...
You can uninstall Apache Tomcat from either a Windows or Linux server with the following steps: Step 1: Stop the Tomcat service On Windows: On the machine where the product is installed, click Start > Control...
The following are the configuration files that are located in the Tomcat's /conf directory.
Upon starting Apache Tomcat will create several log files in the tomcat/logs directory. In this article, we’ll focus on the default and most common logging implementation used for Tomcat – the included JULI implementation...
In this quick article I'll show you how you can check Apache Tomcat version. We will be using only the cmd and a method from catalina.jar