
Linux is a family of open-source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel. Some of the most popular Linux distributions include Debian, Fedora, and Ubuntu.

centoshero - Initial Server Setup with CentOS 7

Initial Server Setup with CentOS 7

When you first create a new server, there are a few configuration steps that you should take early on as part of the basic setup. This will increase the security and usability of your server and will give you a solid foundation for subsequent...

linux health check script - Shell Script to Check Linux System Health

Shell Script to Check Linux System Health

This script collects system information and status like hostname, kernel version, uptime, cpu / memory / disk usage. Script uses hostname, uptime, who, mpstat, lscpu, ps, top, df, free, bc commands to get system information and cut, grep, awk and...

gping - Gping - A Visual Ping

Gping – A Visual Ping

Ping is one of the most used functions. It is the function that allows to check in a more or less effective way if there is connectivity with a device or Internet access, and detect problems. In this article, we will talk about a tool named Gping...

image 9 - Format a USB drive from the Command Line

Format a USB drive from the Command Line

Although we have applications to format USB drives like “gparted” in Linux, knowing the process in the command line is useful when working remotely or working on computers with few resources. The steps as well as the process is...

mysql backup script - Shell Script to Backup All MySQL databases

Shell Script to Backup All MySQL databases

Here is a simple bash script that I use to backup all mysql databases from the server: #! / bin / bash TIMESTAMP = $ (date + "% F") //backups will be stored in /backup/mysql BACKUP_DIR = "/ backup / mysql" MYSQL = / usr / bin / mysql MYSQLDUMP = /...

netdata local - Netdata - Easy web system monitor setup

Netdata – Easy web system monitor setup

In many infrastructures it is possible that we need to control the performance of a computer or server. Performing this task manually is very complicated as we will most likely have to use several different tools, one to control each aspect...

dmidecode command - 4 Commands to show Memory info in Linux

4 Commands to show Memory info in Linux

How much RAM does your computer have? and better, how can you get detailed information about your RAM? If you wanna upgrade your computer’s memory this information will be useful I found a command that gave me all the necessary information and...

remove script - Remove shell script after usage

Remove shell script after usage

Here is a small script that does two things: Determinate script’s locationDelete the file #!/usr/bin/env bash // determinate where the script is SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd ) //...

passwd generate terminal - How to Create Secure Passwords from the Terminal

How to Create Secure Passwords from the Terminal

Studies on passwords show that people are still using the same passwords even through several years.The worst passwords are the same. This is a danger in our security, sooner or later we could be hacked. Take a look of the summary of the worst...