In this guide, I will install cPanel and then perform some basic steps that I recommend for every new cPanel installation. Install cPanelSet server timeInstall ConfigServer Firewall (CSF) and whitelist your IPChange SSH port and allow it in the...
When connecting to a mail server over SSL via an email client (e.g. Outlook), connection fails with the following message: Your server does not support the connection encryption type you have specified. Try changing the encryption method. and in...
To disable multiple identities in Roundcube you need to edit the following file: config/ and in it locate this section: // Set identities access level: // 0 - many identities with possibility to edit all params // 1 - many identities...
cpanel backup account command line
/scripts/pkgacct username
Login to WHM > ModSecurity™ Vendors and under “OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set V3.0” click on the “+ install” link and to add a third-party rule set click on “Add Vendor” button. ModSecurity™ To...
To disable Mailman, login to WHM » Service Manager and uncheck Mailman.
Or from WHM » Server Configuration » Tweak Settings
The following script will go through all your cPanel users and their domains, and print on the terminal a list of all current email accounts. cat /etc/userdomains | sed "s/://g" | awk {'system("ls -1d /home/"$2"/mail/"$1"/* 2> /dev/null")'} | sed...
Every time you update yum it leaves package cache files on the server.
You can use the following commands to clean up yum files:
yum clean all
You may see the mysql database size as zero in cPanel >> ‘Mysql Databases’ option, though the databases contains tables and data. In order to include the size of the databases while displaying disk usage in cPanel/WHM, perform...
To increase PHPMyAdmin upload limit in cPanel edit the following file:
nano /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/etc/php.ini
and change the following values:
upload_max_filesize = 150M
post_max_size = 150M