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image 2 - [ERROR] Unknown/unsupported storage engine: InnoDB

[ERROR] Unknown/unsupported storage engine: InnoDB

MariaDB service failed due to insufficient space on /var partition. After removing the log/backup files, MySQL failed to start with the error: service mysqld status Jan 24 08:34:07 systemd[1]: Starting MariaDB database server…Jan...

open ports php - PHP Script to check for open ports

PHP Script to check for open ports

Here is a simple PHP script that you can use to test if a port is open on the server or not. <?php $host = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']; $ports = array(21, 25, 80, 81, 110, 443, 3306); foreach ($ports as $port) { $connection = @fsockopen($host...

what is cpanel - How to Change the cPanel FTP port 🔢

How to Change the cPanel FTP port 🔢

If you are looking to change the Ftp port on your server from 21 to a non-standard port say 2121, you need tweak the ‘bind’ option in the Ftp configuration file.  On a cPanel server with pure-ftp as a Ftp server, you need to edit...

linux - 👨‍💻 Change the default SSH port in 🐧 Linux Server

👨‍💻 Change the default SSH port in 🐧 Linux Server

By default on Linux servers SSH runs on 22 port. We can change the default SSH port for Linux server as an added security measure. NOTE: Before changing the SSH port makes sure the new SSH port does not conflict with any known, used or blocked...