Tag: windows

space 19070 1280 - The Benefits of Using Linux over Windows

The Benefits of Using Linux over Windows

For most of us it’s not a secret that using Windows nowadays gives you a lot of problems ranging from issues of vulnerability, pricing and even hardware compatibility. Problems like these should be easily resolved if not absent as every second...

Untitled 1 - APPCMD: Manage IIS from the Command Line

APPCMD: Manage IIS from the Command Line

AppCmd.exe is the single command-line tool for managing IIS 7+. It exposes all key server management functionality through a set of intuitive management objects that can be manipulated from the command line or from scripts. AppCmd enables you to...

Untitled - Enable 📄 Detailed Error Messages in IIS

Enable 📄 Detailed Error Messages in IIS

By default, due to security reasons, IIS hides detailed information about all errors, but you can enable them when needed. Open the web.config file for the Website or Application that you want to enable detailed error messages and add the following...