PHP 7.0
PHP7.0 new features
1. Combination comparison character (<=>)
Can’t compare
var_dump('PHP' <=> 'Node'); // int(1)
var_dump(123 <=> 456); // int(-1)
var_dump(['a', 'b'] <=> ['a', 'b']); // int(0)
2. Null merge operator
Due to the large number of simultaneous use of ternary expressions and isset operations in daily use. Use the null coalescing operator to simplify operations
// php7
if (isset($_GET['a'])) {
$a = $_GET['a'];
// php7
$a = isset($_GET['a']) ? $_GET['a'] : 'none';
// PHP 7
$a = isset($_GET['a']) ?? 'none';
4. Variable type declaration
There are two modes of variable type declaration. The following type parameters are allowed: int , string , float , bool
At the same time, you can no longer use integer, string, floating point, and boolean as class names.
function sumOfInts(int ...$ints)
return array_sum($ints);
var_dump(sumOfInts(2, '3', 4.1)); // int(9)
declare(strict_types = 1);
function add(int $x, int $y)
return $x + $y;
var_dump(add('2', 3)); // Fatal error: Argument 1 passed to add() must be of the type integer
5. Return value type declaration
Added the return type declaration, the return value of the more convenient control function like the parameter type is added after the function definition: the type name is enough
function fun(int $a): array
return $a;
fun(3); // Fatal error
6. Anonymous class
php7 allows the new class {} to create an anonymous object.
// php7
class Logger
public function log($msg)
echo $msg;
$util->setLogger(new Logger());
// php7+
$util->setLogger(new class {
public function log($msg)
echo $msg;
7. Unicode codepoint translation syntax
This accepts a Unicode codepoint in hexadecimal form and prints out a string in UTF-8 encoding format surrounded by double quotes or heredoc. Any valid codepoint can be accepted, and the 0 at the beginning can be omitted
echo "\u{aa}";
echo "\u{0000aa}";
echo "\u{9999}";
8. Closure :: call
Closure binding is short and capable of temporarily binding a method to the object closure and using it.
class A {
private $x = 1;
// PHP 7
$getXCB = function() {
return $this->x;
$getX = $getXCB->bindTo(new A, 'A');
echo $getX();
// PHP 7+
$getX = function() {
return $this->x;
echo $getX->call(new A);
9. Deserialization with filtering
Provide a safer way to unpack unreliable data. It uses whitelisting to prevent potential code injection
// _PHP_Incomplete_Class
$data = unserialize($foo, ["allowed_classes" => false]);
// MyClass MyClass2 __PHP_Incomplete_Class
$data = unserialize($foo, ["allowed_classes" => ["MyClass", "MyClass2"]);
$data = unserialize($foo, ["allowed_classes" => true]);
10. IntlChar Class
This class itself defines many static methods for manipulating unicode characters in multiple character sets. Need to install intl extension
printf('%x', IntlChar::CODEPOINT_MAX);
echo IntlChar::charName('@');
11. Anticipation
It makes it zero cost to enable assertions in a production environment, and provides the ability to throw specific exceptions when the assertion fails. You can use this for assertion testing in the future
ini_set('assert.exception', 1);
class CustomError extends AssertionError {}
assert(false, new CustomError('Some error message'));
12. Namespace import by group
Classes, functions, and constants imported from the same namespace can be imported once in a group
// php7
use app\model\A;
use app\model\B;
// php7+
use app\model{A, B};
13. The generator supports return expressions
It allows the generator function to return an expression by using the return syntax (but it is not allowed to return a reference value), and the return value of the generator can be obtained by calling the Generator::getReturn() method, but this method can only be used in the generation It is called once after the generator completes the production work.
$gen = (function() {
yield 1;
yield 2;
return 3;
foreach ($gen as $val) {
echo $val, PHP_EOL;
echo $gen->getReturn(), PHP_EOL;
// output
// 1
// 2
// 3
14. Generator Delegation
Now, just use yield from in the outermost generation to automatically delegate a generator to other generators
function gen()
yield 1;
yield 2;
yield from gen2();
function gen2()
yield 3;
yield 4;
foreach (gen() as $val)
echo $val, PHP_EOL;
15. Integer division function intdiv
var_dump(intdiv(10, 3)) // 3
16. Session Option Settings
session_start() can add an array to override the php.ini configuration
'cache_limiter' => 'private',
'read_and_close' => true,
17. preg_replace_callback_array
You can use an associative array to register a callback function for each regular expression, the regular expression itself is used as the key of the associative array, and the corresponding callback function is the value of the associative array
string preg_replace_callback_array(array $regexesAndCallbacks, string $input);
$tokenStream = []; // [tokenName, lexeme] pairs
$input = <<<'end'
$a = 3; // variable initialisation
// Pre PHP 7 code
function ($match) use (&$tokenStream) {
if (strpos($match[0], '$') === 0) {
$tokenStream[] = ['T_VARIABLE', $match[0]];
} elseif (strpos($match[0], '=') === 0) {
$tokenStream[] = ['T_ASSIGN', $match[0]];
} elseif (ctype_digit($match[0])) {
$tokenStream[] = ['T_NUM', $match[0]];
} elseif (strpos($match[0], ';') === 0) {
$tokenStream[] = ['T_TERMINATE_STMT', $match[0]];
} elseif (strpos($match[0], '//') === 0) {
$tokenStream[] = ['T_COMMENT', $match[0]];
// PHP 7+ code
'~\$[a-z_][a-z\d_]*~i' => function ($match) use (&$tokenStream) {
$tokenStream[] = ['T_VARIABLE', $match[0]];
'~=~' => function ($match) use (&$tokenStream) {
$tokenStream[] = ['T_ASSIGN', $match[0]];
'~[\d]+~' => function ($match) use (&$tokenStream) {
$tokenStream[] = ['T_NUM', $match[0]];
'~;~' => function ($match) use (&$tokenStream) {
$tokenStream[] = ['T_TERMINATE_STMT', $match[0]];
'~//.*~' => function ($match) use (&$tokenStream) {
$tokenStream[] = ['T_COMMENT', $match[0]];
18. Random number, random character function
string random_bytes(int length);
int random_int(int min, int max);
19. Define support to define an array
// php7+
define('ALLOWED_IMAGE_EXTENSIONS', ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png']);
PHP7.0 changes
1. Error and exception handling related changes
PHP 7 has changed the way most errors are reported. Unlike the traditional (PHP 5) error reporting mechanism, most errors are now thrown as error exceptions.
This also means that when the current error occurs, some error handling code in the previous code will not be triggered. Because in PHP 7 version, the error handling mechanism of throwing exceptions has been used. (If the error exception is not caught in the code , then a fatal error will be raised) .set_error_handle may not receive an exception, it may be an error.
ERROR hierarchy
interface Throwable
|- Exception implements Throwable
|- ...
|- Error implements Throwable
|- TypeError extends Error
|- ParseError extends Error
|- AssertionError extends Error
|- ArithmeticError extends Error
|- DivisionByZeroError extends ArithmeticError
function handler(Exception $e) { ... }
// PHP 5 to 7
function handler($e) { ... }
// PHP 7
function handler(Throwable $e) { ... }
2. Checklist
The list will be assigned in the original order. It’s no longer a reverse order
list($a,$b,$c) = [1, 2, 3];
var_dump($a); // 1
var_dump($b); // 2
var_dump($c); // 3
List no longer supports unwrapping strings,
3. foreach no longer changes the internal array pointer
$array = [0, 1, 2];
foreach ($array as &$val) {
// php 5
// php7
4. Hexadecimal strings are no longer considered numbers
var_dump("0x123" == "291");
// php5
// php7
5. $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is moved
It is moved, using php://input
instead of
6. Removed ASP and script PHP tags
Open label | Closed label |
<% | %> |
<%= | %> |
<script language="php"> | </script> |
PHP7.1 new features
1. Nullable type
The types of parameters and return values can now be nullable by adding a question mark in front of the type. When this feature is enabled, the parameter passed in or the result returned by the function is either of the given type or empty
// php5
function($a = null){
if ($a === null) {
return null;
return $a;
// php7+
function fun() :?string
return null;
function fun1(?$a)
fun1(null); // null
fun1('1'); // 1
No type
The method whose return value is declared as void type may simply omit the return statement. For void, NULL is not a legal return value.
function fun() :void
echo "hello world";
3. Class constant visibility
class Something
const PUBLIC_CONST_A = 1;
public const PUBLIC_CONST_B = 2;
protected const PROTECTED_CONST = 3;
private const PRIVATE_CONST = 4;
4. iterable pseudo-class
This can be used in a parameter or return value type, which represents an object that accepts an array or implements the Traversable interface.
function iterator(iterable $iter)
foreach ($iter as $val) {
5. Multiple exception capture processing
A catch statement block can now pass the pipe character (_ | _) To achieve the capture of multiple exceptions. This is useful when you need to handle different exceptions from different classes at the same time |
try {
// some code
} catch (FirstException | SecondException $e) {
// handle first and second exceptions
6. List the supported key names
$data = [
["id" => 1, "name" => 'Tom'],
["id" => 2, "name" => 'Fred'],
// list() style
list("id" => $id1, "name" => $name1) = $data[0];
var_dump($id1); // 1
7. String supports negative direction
$a = "hello";
8. Turn the callback into a closure
Closure adds a new static method to quickly convert the callable into a Closure object.
class Test
public function exposeFunction()
return Closure::fromCallable([$this, 'privateFunction']);
private function privateFunction($param)
$privFunc = (new Test)->exposeFunction();
$privFunc('some value');
9. http2 service push
Support for http2 server push has now been added to the CURL extension
PHP7.1 changes
1. An error will be thrown when passing too few parameters
In the past, when we passed too few parameters, warning. php7.1 started to throw errors
2. Removed the ext / mcrypt extension
PHP7.2 new features
Add new type objects
function test(object $obj) : object
return new SplQueue();
test(new StdClass());
2. Load extension by name
Extension files no longer need to be specified by file loading (_.so_ is the file extension under Unix, and .dll is the file extension under Windows ). Can be enabled in the php.ini configuration file
; ini file
Allows to override abstract methods
When an abstract class inherits from another abstract class, the inherited abstract class can override the abstract methods of the inherited abstract class.
abstract class A
abstract function test(string $s);
abstract class B extends A
// overridden - still maintaining contravariance for parameters and covariance for return
abstract function test($s) : int;
4. Use Argon2 algorithm to generate password hash
Argon2 has been added to the password hash (password hash) API (these functions start with password_ ), the following constants are exposed
5. Added PDO string extension type
When you are ready to support multilingual character sets, the string type of PDO has been extended to support internationalized character sets. The following are the extended constants:
$db->quote('über', PDO::PARAM_STR | PDO::PARAM_STR_NATL);
6. Naming group namespace supports trailing comma
use Foo\Bar\{
PHP7.2 changes
1. number_format return value
var_dump(number_format(-0.01)); // now outputs string(1) "0" instead of string(2) "-0"
2. get_class() no longer allows null
var_dump(get_class(null)); // warning
4. A warning will occur if the calculation is not a countable type
count(1); // integers are not countable
5. Unquoted string
The strings without quotes before are non-existent global constants, converted into their own strings. Hualin will now be produced.
6. __autoload is deprecated
__autoload method has been deprecated
7. Each is abandoned
When using this function to traverse, it is slower than ordinary foreach and brings implementation problems to the new syntax changes. Therefore it was abandoned.
8. is_object, gettype correction
is_object works in __ PHP_Incomplete_Class
Apply gettype to the resource that the closure will return correctly
9. Convert numeric keys in object/array conversion
When you convert an array to an object, you can access the value of the integer key.
// array to object
$arr = [0 => 1];
$obj = (object)$arr;
$obj->{'0'}, // now accessible
$obj->{0} // now accessible
- Added array_key_first() and array_key_last() to get the key names of the first and last elements of the array
- Added fpm_get_status() method to get FPM status array,
- Several FPM configuration items have been added to control the maximum number of characters in a single log line, log buffering, etc.: log_limit, log_buffering, decorate_workers_output
- Now requires libcurl >= 7.15.5
- curl adds a bunch of constants
- json_decode adds a constant, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR, if the parsing fails, an exception can be thrown instead of getting it through the previous method json_last_error()
- spl autoloader: If one load fails, the rest will not be executed
- Explains the results of some circular references
- In heredoc/nowdoc, if it encounters the same string as the delimiter, it will be considered as the end, and the final real terminator will be considered as a syntax error;
- In the case of the loop + switch-case statement, use the relay to call the police
- Explain that when a static variable is inherited, if a circular reference occurs in the subclass, the static variable in the parent class will change accordingly.