chrome 5diVZc2Qed - Block Free Proxy and Tor IP Addresses with CSF Firewall

Block Free Proxy and Tor IP Addresses with CSF Firewall

To block Block Free Proxy and Tor IP Addresses with CSF Firewall edit: nano /etc/csf/csf.blocklists and add: # Name: PROXYSPY # Information: Open proxies (updated hourly) PROXYSPY|86400|0| # Name: XROXY # Information: Open proxies (this list is...

image 5 - cPanel WebDav not working for a single cPanel account

cPanel WebDav not working for a single cPanel account

cPanel WebDav not working for a single cPanel account: tail /usr/local/cpanel/logs/cpdavd_error_log PROPFIND: / -> 400 ‘Bad Request’ {Can’t locate Cpanel/ in @INC (you may need to install the Cpanel::Carp module) (@INC...

image 5 - CyberPanel Disk Usage is stuck at 100%

CyberPanel Disk Usage is stuck at 100%

On CyberPanel the disk quota for the package was reached and then increased from 10000M to 20000M but the Disk Usage is still showing 100% usage. This issue occurs on outdated CyberPanel installations because the script is not...

image 1 - Editing Magento Database Configuration File

Editing Magento Database Configuration File

From the root of your Magento installation enter the app/etc/ folder and edit env.php file which contains all the information related to your database configuration in the 'db' node. Magento app/etc folder From here, you can edit...

chrome q93DfQYoyT - WordPress SMTP settings via functions.php

WordPress SMTP settings via functions.php

Like many other PHP scripts, WordPress also uses PHPmailer to send transactional emails. If no email is set for sending emails, WordPress will use the default cPanel email account ( which isn’t pretty. To specify...

image 2 - [ERROR] Unknown/unsupported storage engine: InnoDB

[ERROR] Unknown/unsupported storage engine: InnoDB

MariaDB service failed due to insufficient space on /var partition. After removing the log/backup files, MySQL failed to start with the error: service mysqld status Jan 24 08:34:07 systemd[1]: Starting MariaDB database server…Jan...

image 9 - Allow SMTP Relay in cPanel / WHM

Allow SMTP Relay in cPanel / WHM

To allow sending emails from another server (to use your server as a relay), you need to allow access to that IP address. Step 1. Whitelist IP address on the firewall csf -a IP-HERE Step 2. Add IP address to Exim Configuration Navigate to WHM >...

image 8 - CyberPanel Grid-style websites

CyberPanel Grid-style websites

The following CSS will show the websites list as a grid in CyberPanel: /* websites */ a[title="Manage Website"] span {display: none;} [ng-repeat="web in WebSitesList track by $index"] .col-md-12:not(:first-child) { display: none; } .panel.col-md-12...