Soft links Pointers to programs, files, or directories located elsewhere (just like Windows shortcuts)If the original program, file, or directory is renamed, moved, or deleted, the soft link is broken. If you type ls -F you can see...
Run at the command line:
cat /proc/meminfo = memory usage information
free = how much memory is currently unused
You should really only run this command on text documents, not binary (Word, StarOffice, etc.) documents. At the command line, enter: ispell <document name> The following screen will appear highlighting the word with spell errors and...
What’s the difference between installing and upgrading an RPM? And what happens if you upgrade even though you haven’t installed first? If you install an upgrade, typically what happens is that the software is now installed if it...
Parallel ports
Windows uses lpt1, lpt2, & lpt3.Linux uses /dev/lp0, /dev/lp1, & /dev/lp2.
Serial ports
Windows uses com1, com2, & so on.Linux uses /dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttyS1, & so on.
nano /etc/xinetd.d/swat Here’s my swat file: service swat { port = 901 socket_type = stream wait = no only_from = # only_from = user = root server = /usr/sbin/swat log_on_failure += USERID # disable = yes } By commenting...
/etc = system & application settings/etc/skel = “skeleton” files used to create user accounts /lib = security files, system modules, & libraries containing software libraries & information databases /opt = pre-loaded software...
After typing ls -l, you’ll get a list of all files & directories, along with other information, including permissions associated with those files & directories. These permissions might look like this: -rw-rw-r-- lrwxrwxrwx -rwxr...