linux - The 🐧 Linux Architecture Explained

The 🐧 Linux Architecture Explained

The above diagram provides a conceptual view of the Linux architecture. Like all conceptual views, it is not a perfect match to the full complexity of Linux. The key point is to understand that the Kernel Space (shown in blue)...

apache index - Disable directory index 📁 on Apache

Disable directory index 📁 on Apache

When Apache Directory Index is enabled, if you browse to a url that have no index file present, you will see list of all files. This is not good for securiy as hackers can see all files present in the directory.

linux - Detailed analysis of shutdown commands in 🐧 Linux systems

Detailed analysis of shutdown commands in 🐧 Linux systems

Some commonly used shutdown/restart commands under Linux are shutdown, halt, reboot, and init. They can all achieve the purpose of restarting the system, but the internal working process of each command is different. Through the introduction of this...

windows 10 2018 insider wallpaper - Access Windows partitions 💿

Access Windows partitions 💿

As root, pico /etc/fstab Add this line: /dev/hda8 /windata vfat user,umask=000,rw 0 0 Make sure that /dev/hda8 is in fact pointing at your Windows data partition. Note also that this assumes that the Windows data partition is formatted as...

linux - Use hdparm to speed up buffered 💿 disk reads

Use hdparm to speed up buffered 💿 disk reads

As root, pico /etc/sysconfig/harddisks

EXTRA_PARMS= hdparm ?u1 /dev/hda

Source: “Linux (Red Hat 7.0+) Installation on the Compaq Armada E7400“

windows 10 2018 insider wallpaper - Mount Windows and Linux floppies 💾

Mount Windows and Linux floppies 💾

To alternate between mounting a Linux-formatted (ext2) floppy disk and a Windows-formatted (vfat) floppy disk: Create a directory like /mnt/winfloppyAs root, pico /etc/fstabEnter the following into fstab: /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy ext2...

linux - Cannot mount 💿 CD-ROM

Cannot mount 💿 CD-ROM

In order, try these solutions:

As root, type:

/sbin/depmod -ae

As root, type (replace “2.4.7-10” with your kernel number):

insmod /lib/modules/2.4.7-10/kernel/drivers/cdrom/cdrom.o