images - ColdFusion Force Header and Output Buffer 🔄 Reset

ColdFusion Force Header and Output Buffer 🔄 Reset

This will remove all html/text output in your page execution prior to running it. Handy if you need to get rid of some white space or, in my case today, output from code that is outside your control. <cfscript>out = getPageContext().getOut();...

nodejs - Install NODE.JS on CentOS

Install NODE.JS on CentOS

To install Node.js on CentOS perform (as root):

curl -sL | bash -
yum install -y nodejs

It will output each step as it moves along, prompting you to manually install any 3rd party dependencies.

Verify the install with:

node -v

stat - Getting file information using stat

Getting file information using stat

stat prints file information, including last modified, changed or accessed time. On Unix systems every file has 4 timestamps: ctimechange time – when the file was modified, permissions changed, etc.atimeaccessed time – when file was read...

image 25 - The Complete Guide to cPanel Installation and Setup

The Complete Guide to cPanel Installation and Setup

In this guide, I will install cPanel and then perform some basic steps that I recommend for every new cPanel installation. Install cPanelSet server timeInstall ConfigServer Firewall (CSF) and whitelist your IPChange SSH port and allow it in the...

roundcube html - 🚫 Disable multiple identities in ✉️ Roundcube

🚫 Disable multiple identities in ✉️ Roundcube

To disable multiple identities in Roundcube you need to edit the following file: config/ and in it locate this section: // Set identities access level: // 0 - many identities with possibility to edit all params // 1 - many identities...

linux - Find out what a command does ❓

Find out what a command does ❓

At the command line, run:

whatis <command>

This will give you a one-line summary of a command.

If whatis doesn’t work, the whatis database may not be built yet. To build the whatis database, enter this:
