Sometimes it’s convenient when looking at Google search results, to know the position in the ranking order for a particular URL or domain. You can use this link as a bookmarklet, and click on the bookmarklet while viewing Google search...
Running a DELETE FROM table query in a database with millions of records would lock the table and cause the website to halt. This is where LIMIT clause comes in handy. The following query will only delete the first 1000 rows that match: DELETE FROM...
Below are some steps to clean branches from the git repository to remove the clutter. Delete a Local branch To delete the local branch in Git using the command, we can use one of the followings: # git branch -d branch_name # git branch -D...
The mail for an individual cPanel account is stored in /home/$username/mail/$domain/$mailbox/, while metadata for the account (mailbox passwords and quotas) is stored in /home/$username/etc/$domain/. For migrating a full domain to another...
If you have zombie processes it means those zombies have not been waited for by their parent (look at PPID displayed by ps -l). You have two choices: Fix the parent process (make it wait);Kill the parent; or live with it. Remember that living with...
Okay, it’s not really a WordPress plugin, but rather a malicious script that is trying to pass as one. Upon a regular security scan of one of the websites that I maintain, I stumbled upon a ZIP archive that contains two PHP files named...
For servers where ‘mod_userdir’ module is enabled, you can access your websites via temporary URLs instead of the domain name. The format of this temporary URL is usually ‘; The ‘ipaddress’ used is the server’s...
If you need to update more than one Ubuntu based Workstation or Server on a regular base, it can save you a good amount of bandwidth if you provide new packages and updates through a local Ubuntu mirror. In this document i write down the steps...