what is cpanel - Change default Mail Address ✉️ for all cPanel accounts

Change default Mail Address ✉️ for all cPanel accounts

Here is how to mass change the “Default Mail Address” for all domains (existing accounts) in the server to a specific email address (user@example.com).

sed "s/^\*:.*/user@example.com/g" -i /etc/valiases/*

what is cpanel - How to Change the cPanel FTP port 🔢

How to Change the cPanel FTP port 🔢

If you are looking to change the Ftp port on your server from 21 to a non-standard port say 2121, you need tweak the ‘bind’ option in the Ftp configuration file.  On a cPanel server with pure-ftp as a Ftp server, you need to edit...

epel install centos 1024x388 1 - Install PIP 🐍 on CentOS 8

Install PIP 🐍 on CentOS 8

PIP is part of Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL), so we first need to install EPEL: yum install epel-release Confirm the install and hit enter to complete the install process. then we can install python-pip: yum -y install python-pip...

SQL Server 2016 release What new does it have to offer Analytics ... - Scheduled restart 🔄 of SQL server

Scheduled restart 🔄 of SQL server

As you may notice, Microsoft SQL Server will gradually consume more and more memory after it starts…Most people (myself included) will wonder if this means that there are memory leaks or unclosed connections.  While you should make sure...

Cover Image by MilesAndryPrower on DeviantArt

MySQL Database Vulnerability Scanning

Here is how to check MySQL databases for malware: Open up PHPMyAdminLook for anything ‘weird’ It’s that simple. What’s ‘weird’ you ask? Well, anything that’s ‘not supposed to be in the database’...

image 2 - How to Restart/Reboot VPS using Virtualizor?

How to Restart/Reboot VPS using Virtualizor?

To restart a VPS from Virtualizor GUI, locate the VPS and click on Manage > Restart

To restart VPS from the Virtualizor node terminal, run:

virsh shutdown VM_ID
virsh start VM_ID

To restart VPS from it’s terminal, run:

shutdown -r now