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linux - Linux: Run level and restart

Linux: Run level and restart

Learn to shut down or restart your Linux system, warn users that the system is shutting down, and switch to a somewhat restrictive run level. This process is unfamiliar to many Linux enthusiasts. Next, Ian Shields, a senior programmer from...

Windows Server 2008 Robot Ad Wallpapers1920x1200 2 Apps Directories - Microsoft Analysis Services: 🕒 Time Dimensions

Microsoft Analysis Services: 🕒 Time Dimensions

I did a little research the other day with regards to Time Dimensions and I thought I would share my findings here.   Background:Traditionally a data warehouse will have at least one “Time” dimension that will have one record for...

what is cpanel - Sample postwwwacct.dir scripts

Sample postwwwacct.dir scripts

This directory contains some sample scripts that can be dropped into /etc/postwwwacct.dir. Note that you need to be root to set up this stuff, which means usually that you’ll need a dedicated server or VPS to run these scripts (a very...

linux - The root of Linux

The root of Linux

Linux        Linux is a collective name for a class of Unix computer operating systems. The name of the kernel of the Linux operating system is also “Linux”. The Linux operating system is also...

linux - Set up SWAT to configure Samba

Set up SWAT to configure Samba

nano /etc/xinetd.d/swat Here’s my swat file: service swat { port = 901 socket_type = stream wait = no only_from = # only_from = user = root server = /usr/sbin/swat log_on_failure += USERID # disable = yes } By commenting...

linux - A quick guide to Linux Permissions 🚫

A quick guide to Linux Permissions 🚫

After typing ls -l, you’ll get a list of all files & directories, along with other information, including permissions associated with those files & directories. These permissions might look like this: -rw-rw-r-- lrwxrwxrwx -rwxr...