image - When the AWS EC2 instance was created

When the AWS EC2 instance was created

Here is how to check when an EC2 instance was created: Option 1. Check the Volume attachment time Option 2. Using a Python script import boto3 ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2', region_name='instance_region_name') volume = ec2.Volume('vol-id') print volume...

image 10 - Softaculous: No WordPress installations found !

Softaculous: No WordPress installations found !

I recently moved a WordPress website, and after that I attempted using Softaculous to access the admin panel, however the installation doesn’t import: I checked the usual: folder/file permissions & owner, .htaccess and wp-config.php Inside...

chrome KVNsQtnGi0 - How to disable Moodle Automated backups

How to disable Moodle Automated backups

Here are 2 ways to disable Moodle Automated backups: From the database (PHPMyAdmin)From the admin account Disable Moodle backups from PHPMyAdmin Login to PHPMyAdmin, select your database and under mdl_config_plugins set 0 for backup_auto_active...

install docker on cpanel - Install Docker on cPanel

Install Docker on cPanel

Side note: I think it’s a bad idea to run Docker on cPanel because, if a user is given root access inside the container, they are just one kernel exploit away from gaining control of the entire server. 1. Install Docker on cPanel From the...

Cover Image by MilesAndryPrower on DeviantArt

Auto-restart MySQL & MySQL Router if it crashes

Here is a small script that will restart the MySQL service in case it crashes. * * * * * /sbin/service mysql status || service mysql start Add it to /etc/crontab to run every minute. More complex script that does the same thing 😀 #!/bin/sh...

Diagnosing and protecting Linux from DDoS

In this guide I will cover 3 parts: Detecting a DDoS attackProtecting from a DDoS attackTesting resistance to DDoS Detecting a DDoS attack on Linux To detect DDoS attacks on your server you can use netstat: netstat | grep http | wc -l netstat -ntu |...

MobaXterm Personal 20.3 1w7YtBj5mL - Create a custom 404 error page for static sites with Caddy

Create a custom 404 error page for static sites with Caddy

If you are using Caddy 2 web server, the handle_errors directive allows creating a new rule for serving a custom page on a 404 error. In this example I have created a custom 404 template in a file named 404.php and the following directive is set:...

reboot aws instance - 3 Ways to Reboot AWS Instance EC2

3 Ways to Reboot AWS Instance EC2

Here are 3 different ways to restart EC2 AWS Instance: 1. Reboot EC2 Instance using AWS Console Login into your AWS EC2 ConsoleNavigate to “Instances” and Select instance which you want to restart, right-click on it and then select...