How to monitor and 🔄 auto restart cron service in cPanel

How to monitor and 🔄 auto restart cron service in cPanel

Sometimes the crond service fails quite often without any clue and it becomes necessary to monitor the cron service and auto-restart it. cPanel offers ‘chkservd’, a monitoring daemon that monitors the services on the server and restart them if found offline. cPanel/WHM do not provide an option to include the ‘crond’ service under the monitoring daemon, so following are the steps you can follow to achieve it:

Create a crond file under the chkservd.d directory where all the services files are placed:

nano /etc/chkserv.d/crond

Add the following and save the file:

service[crond]=x,x,x,/etc/init.d/crond restart,crond,root
image 23 1024x580 - How to monitor and 🔄 auto restart cron service in cPanel

Now you need to edit the chkservd configuration file and enable the crond service for monitoring:

nano /etc/chkserv.d/chkservd.conf

add the following line at the end of the file

image 22 1024x580 - How to monitor and 🔄 auto restart cron service in cPanel

Now, save the file and restart the chkservd service for the new changes to take affect:

/scripts/restartsrv chkservd
image 24 - How to monitor and 🔄 auto restart cron service in cPanel

In order to verify if chkservd auto-restarts the crond service if found offline, stop the service manually

service crond stop

and watch the logs

tail -f /var/log/chkservd.log

You will notice that the crond service is restarted automatically within 5 minutes.

image 34 - How to monitor and 🔄 auto restart cron service in cPanel
Stefan Pejcic
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