Display Country based Flags for cPanel last Login IP Address

Display Country based Flags for cPanel last Login IP Address

Here is how to detect user country from the IP address that cPanel displays on the right side of the Tools page, and add a flag representing that country.

Display Country based Flags  for cPanel last Login IP Address
Display Country based Flags for cPanel last Login IP Address

1.) First download the flag icons of all countries here: https://flagpedia.net/download/

Download flag icons of all countries
Download flag icons of all countries

Create a new directory “flags” under Jupiter theme and add all flags there /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/jupiter/flags

We are going to use a free API: https://github.com/hakanensari/country and you don’t need any API key.

2.) Create a new file /var/cpanel/customizations/content_includes/cpanel_jupiter_footer_after.html.tt and add the following javascript code to it:

const ipSpan = document.getElementById('txtLastLogin');
const ipAddress = ipSpan.textContent.trim(); // Get the actual IP address

// Make a GET request to the api.country.is API with the actual IP address
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => {
    // Check if the response contains a country code
    if (data && data.country) {
      // Extract the country code from the API response and convert it to lowercase
      const countryCode = data.country.toLowerCase();

      // Create a container element for the IP address and the flag image
      const container = document.createElement('span');
      container.style.display = 'inline';

      // Create a text node for the IP address
      const ipText = document.createTextNode(ipAddress);

      // Add a space between the IP address and the flag image
      const spaceText = document.createTextNode(' ');

      // Create an image element for the flag
      const flagImg = document.createElement('img');
      flagImg.src = `./flags/${countryCode}.png`;

      // Add the additional styles to the flag image
      flagImg.style.width = '30px';
      flagImg.style.verticalAlign = 'middle';
      // Append the flag image to the container

      // Replace the original IP span with the container element
      ipSpan.parentNode.replaceChild(container, ipSpan);
  .catch(error => {
    console.error('Error:', error);

Save the file and test, you should see flag icon appear immediately.

In the provided code we make sure to convert the country code from the API to lowercase letters in order to match filenames of the icons, and also check if API response was successful – if not, to avoid broken images, no icon will be shown.

Stefan Pejcic
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