As root, pico /etc/fstab Add this line: /dev/hda8 /windata vfat user,umask=000,rw 0 0 Make sure that /dev/hda8 is in fact pointing at your Windows data partition. Note also that this assumes that the Windows data partition is formatted as...
To alternate between mounting a Linux-formatted (ext2) floppy disk and a Windows-formatted (vfat) floppy disk: Create a directory like /mnt/winfloppyAs root, pico /etc/fstabEnter the following into fstab: /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy ext2...
Parallel ports
Windows uses lpt1, lpt2, & lpt3.Linux uses /dev/lp0, /dev/lp1, & /dev/lp2.
Serial ports
Windows uses com1, com2, & so on.Linux uses /dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttyS1, & so on.
After you’ve set up Samba, when you try to connect to your Samba share from a Windows machine, you might get this error: “The credentials supplied conflict with an existing set of credentials.” Ths occurs because you’ve...