Screen key is a simple but complete application that will allow us to capture on screen the keystrokes that we do while recording: Screenkey. Screenkey gives us the possibility of showing on screen the keystrokes in a nice way and with enough...
I’ve been thinking about switching from Windows 10 to Linux for a while, and I finally did it a few days ago. I had some difficulties switching from Windows because most of the features that Windows have We take for granted and Linux ubuntu 21...
Edit the sudoers file with: sudo visudo visudo is a command created with the sole purpose of locking the configuration file for sudo command located at /etc/sudoers Add to the end of the file: <username> ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL Syntax is...
There are a lot of commands available in the Linux terminal. The usual way to learn Linux terminal commands is through experience. The fastest method we have to do know a command is the man command itself, through the following syntax: man...
Recently on a VPS running Cyberpanel, MariaDB service failed with the error: Failed at step NAMESPACE spawning / bin / sh: Invalid argument For VPS based on the openvz that are using old kernel you need to edit the service file to fix the problem:...
Step 1. Go to Google Drive and right-click on the file that you wish to download, then go to Share Step 2. Click the Change button at the bottom of the dialog box to Anyone Step 3. Copy the link and from it simply take the FILEID: Step 4. Change the...
An Inode is a data structure used to store the metadata of a file. in cPanel – inode number represents the collective number of files and folders present in your web hosting account. Check Inode usage inside cPanel Most cpanel...
/var/log/exim_mainlog – logs every email that is processed by Exim/var/log/exim_rejectlog information about all rejected emails/var/log/exim_paniclog error related to Exim itself Exim has it’s own version of grep: exigrep...
Here are my top 10 du commands with examples: Disk usage for all files in dir This is the most basic usage of the du command: du /path/to/folder Human Readable format By default du command prints size in Disk Blocks, to use human-readable format...
By default MailScanner does not allow double extensions in attachment file names, e.g. presentation.exe.pdf and I don’t want to point fingers but Microsoft Exchange has a vulnerability where files with long names that have multiple dots in the...