cPanel To count users, run the following command: grep -Po '^(?<!#)\s\w+\s(?=:)' /etc/userplans | wc -l Also, it may be useful to list users. To do so, run the following command: cut -d":" -f1 /etc/userplans | sort -n | uniq Plesk To count users...
On CyberPanel the disk quota for the package was reached and then increased from 10000M to 20000M but the Disk Usage is still showing 100% usage. This issue occurs on outdated CyberPanel installations because the script is not...
The following CSS will show the websites list as a grid in CyberPanel: /* websites */ a[title="Manage Website"] span {display: none;} [ng-repeat="web in WebSitesList track by $index"] .col-md-12:not(:first-child) { display: none; } .panel.col-md-12...
On a small VPS runing CyberPanel and NextCloud the NextCloud pages were loading forever. When checking the cyberpanel error log the following error stood out: No request delivery notification has been received from LSAPI application, possible dead...
Recently on a VPS running Cyberpanel, MariaDB service failed with the error: Failed at step NAMESPACE spawning / bin / sh: Invalid argument For VPS based on the openvz that are using old kernel you need to edit the service file to fix the problem:...
After upgrading to Cyberpanel 2.1 some issues started appearing such as the self-signed SSL’s, disk usage not showing up on the manage website page, or even the manage website page loading infinitely. I noticed that when I open the manage...
The PageSpeed modules are open-source server modules that optimize your site automatically. To set up mod_pagespeed on Cyberpanel there are two ways: from the webadmin console, or appending it to the OLS main configuration. In this guide I...
Recently, CyberPanel users are having issues automatically renewing LetsEncrypt SSL, and instead self signed certificated are generated. Basically the problem happens with newly added domains, that will use ZeroSSL in place of LetsEncrypt by default...
Quick List of the Best Web Hosting Control Panels OpenPanel – a robust hosting panel designed to provide your users with a VPS-like experience. cPanel – Best Linux-only web hosting control panel for users who want a control panel...
To change MySQL root password in CyberPanel we need to update it’s configuration. CyberPanel stores MySQL root password into two files: /etc/cyberpanel/mysqlPassword/usr/local/CyberCP/CyberCP/ mysqlPassword File contains the MySQL...