Here is a one-liner command that will allow you to generate a new random password for an email account. Simply change the email address and hit enter. ; uapi --user="$(/scripts/whoowns ${email#*@})" Email passwd_pop...
Step 1. Install imagemagick on the server: yum -y install ImageMagick-devel ImageMagick-c++-devel ImageMagick-perl To check if installed: /usr/bin/convert --version Step 2. Install the imagick PHP extension to all PHP versions on the cPanel server:...
Jupiter is the name of the new default cPanel theme, and one of the annoying things on this new theme is that the Statistics section on the right has no clickable links. To make the section clickable open the theme file nano...
AbuseIPDB has a free API plan that will allow you to get a list of up to 10.000 blacklisted IP addresses that are currently reported for malicious activity. On a Linux server, we can use this data to automatically block that bad IP traffic from our...
Here is a simple one-liner that will disable the greylisting feature for all cPanel accounts on the server:
for i in $(\ls /var/cpanel/users) ; do uapi --user=$i cPGreyList disable_all_domains ; done
Here is how to install Redis daemon on a cPanel/WHM server and add the Redis PHP extension to each EasyApache PHP version. Step 1. Install Redis daemon: rpm -ivh rpm -ivh yum -y install redis --enablerepo=remi --disableplugin=priorities systemctl...
cPanel WebDav not working for a single cPanel account: tail /usr/local/cpanel/logs/cpdavd_error_log PROPFIND: / -> 400 ‘Bad Request’ {Can’t locate Cpanel/ in @INC (you may need to install the Cpanel::Carp module) (@INC...
To allow sending emails from another server (to use your server as a relay), you need to allow access to that IP address. Step 1. Whitelist IP address on the firewall csf -a IP-HERE Step 2. Add IP address to Exim Configuration Navigate to WHM >...
Recently on a cPanel/WHM server, all SSLs’ were replaced with self-signed certificates issued by DDoS-Filter.domain DDoS-Filter.domain This is an indicator of DDoS protection (mitigation) that was triggered either by a large number of...
406 Not Acceptable Nginx error means that a ModSecurity rule was triggered. nginx error log: 2022/11/25 09:17:49 [error] 26611#26611: *123 [client] ModSecurity: Access denied with code 406 (phase 2). Matched “Operator Ge' with...