
cPanel is an online Linux-based control panel that simplifies website and server management.

cPanel allows you to publish websites, manage domains, organize web files, create email accounts, and more.

chrome Iidan6iGUv - Install ImageMagick & imagick PHP extension to cPanel

Install ImageMagick & imagick PHP extension to cPanel

Step 1. Install imagemagick on the server: yum -y install ImageMagick-devel ImageMagick-c++-devel ImageMagick-perl To check if installed: /usr/bin/convert --version Step 2. Install the imagick PHP extension to all PHP versions on the cPanel server:...

chrome DZMflbXKid - Use AbuseIPDB API to block bad IP's on ConfigServer Firewall

Use AbuseIPDB API to block bad IP’s on ConfigServer Firewall

AbuseIPDB has a free API plan that will allow you to get a list of up to 10.000 blacklisted IP addresses that are currently reported for malicious activity. On a Linux server, we can use this data to automatically block that bad IP traffic from our...

what is cpanel - Disable greylisting on all cPanel accounts

Disable greylisting on all cPanel accounts

Here is a simple one-liner that will disable the greylisting feature for all cPanel accounts on the server:

for i in $(\ls /var/cpanel/users) ; do uapi --user=$i cPGreyList disable_all_domains ; done

image 2 - Install Redis daemon and Redis PHP extension in cPanel

Install Redis daemon and Redis PHP extension in cPanel

Here is how to install Redis daemon on a cPanel/WHM server and add the Redis PHP extension to each EasyApache PHP version. Step 1. Install Redis daemon: rpm -ivh rpm -ivh yum -y install redis --enablerepo=remi --disableplugin=priorities systemctl...

image 5 - cPanel WebDav not working for a single cPanel account

cPanel WebDav not working for a single cPanel account

cPanel WebDav not working for a single cPanel account: tail /usr/local/cpanel/logs/cpdavd_error_log PROPFIND: / -> 400 ‘Bad Request’ {Can’t locate Cpanel/ in @INC (you may need to install the Cpanel::Carp module) (@INC...

image 9 - Allow SMTP Relay in cPanel / WHM

Allow SMTP Relay in cPanel / WHM

To allow sending emails from another server (to use your server as a relay), you need to allow access to that IP address. Step 1. Whitelist IP address on the firewall csf -a IP-HERE Step 2. Add IP address to Exim Configuration Navigate to WHM >...

image 35 - 406 Not Acceptable Nginx error in cPanel/WHM

406 Not Acceptable Nginx error in cPanel/WHM

406 Not Acceptable Nginx error means that a ModSecurity rule was triggered. nginx error log: 2022/11/25 09:17:49 [error] 26611#26611: *123 [client] ModSecurity: Access denied with code 406 (phase 2). Matched “Operator Ge' with...

image 21 - Setting up automatic cPanel backups with JetBackup5

Setting up automatic cPanel backups with JetBackup5

In this guide, I will be setting JetBackup5 on a new server, with a remote (SSH) destination, and scheduling daily cPanel backups. The following should be already created: JetBackup5 license is activated for the server IP SSH account created on the...