Installing an SSL via Vesta Control Panel Installing a free Let’s Encrypt SSL via terminal Installing SSL via Vesta Control Panel To add a SSL to a website in Vesta, you must first complete the following: Add the domain name Change DNS to the...
Recently I was tasked to install a free SSL certificate from LetsEncrypt on a local Linux machine that was running Zimbra Mail Server. The task seemed simple, and I had no problem generating and installing the certificate from LetsEncrypt on Linux...
To set SSL on Tomcat, we need a digital certificate that can be created using Java keytool for the development environment. For the production environment, you should get a certificate from trusted providers such as Lets’ Encrypt...
Install Let’s Encrypt Free Certificate with IIS on Windows
On a website that is password protected using Apache basic authentication to auto-renew SSL we need to make the .well-known folder to be accessible without password. Password protected Apache website: <Directory "/var/www/html/"> AuthType...