memory - Checking memory usage with free

Checking memory usage with free

free utility shows the amount of free / used memory. free The biggest misinterpretations that I’ve seen on both Windows and Linux systems are with the swap and cached memory. Cached memory is exactly what it sounds: memory dedicated for...

linux - Basic 🐧 Linux commands

Basic 🐧 Linux commands

lslists files and foldersls -lrtlists files and folders in datel orderls -lalist hidden files and folders and visiblecd /foldercd means to change folder where folder is a valid foldercd /changes you back to the root pathcd ..changes folders back one...

nodejs - node-orm2 — Node.js Object Relational Mapping 🧭

node-orm2 — Node.js Object Relational Mapping 🧭

ORM Package for Node.js. Works with MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. var orm = require('orm'); orm.connect("mysql://username:password@host/database", function (err, db) { if (err) throw err; var Person = db.define('person', { name : String, surname :...

Cover Image by MilesAndryPrower on DeviantArt

MySQL Select Statements

The SELECT statement is used to select or fetch data from a your MySQL Database. It’s the most common type of query issued to a database. There are many ways to query a database, but were going to focus on the SELECT statement...

linux - 👨‍💻 Change the default SSH port in 🐧 Linux Server

👨‍💻 Change the default SSH port in 🐧 Linux Server

By default on Linux servers SSH runs on 22 port. We can change the default SSH port for Linux server as an added security measure. NOTE: Before changing the SSH port makes sure the new SSH port does not conflict with any known, used or blocked...