Wordpress background web design image in Backgrounds and Textures category at pixy.org

Find older WordPress versions

This one-liner will help to find all WordPress installations running a specific version, where the current latest is 5.6 locate wp-includes/version.php | xargs grep "wp_version = " | grep -v " = '5-6'" A more efficient shell script that will scan...

PHP7.3 - New features to consider when updating from PHP7.0 to PHP7.3

New features to consider when updating from PHP7.0 to PHP7.3

PHP 7.0 PHP7.0 new features 1. Combination comparison character (<=>) Can’t compare var_dump('PHP' <=> 'Node'); // int(1) var_dump(123 <=> 456); // int(-1) var_dump(['a', 'b'] <=> ['a', 'b']); // int(0) 2. Null merge...

what is cpanel - Check when the last cPanel Upgrade was done

Check when the last cPanel Upgrade was done

First, get the current version of cPanel

cat /usr/local/cpanel/version

and just grep for that version number in update logs:

grep PUT-YOUR-VERSION-HERE /var/cpanel/updatelogs/*

Business photo created by senivpetro - www.freepik.com

Put WordPress in maintenance mode without any plugin

If for whatever reason you need to prevent your visitors from seeing a broken version of the site during maintenance, and to give them a heads up on the updates, WordPress has an embedded feature for handling maintenance mode that will automatically...

files - b374k shell 🐚 3.2

b374k shell 🐚 3.2

Here is yet another PHP Shell which I stumbled upon today. It’s pretty basic and allows an attacker to do pretty much the same as with any other shell. And here is the obfuscated code for the b374k shell 3.2: <?php function...

Three Column Screen Layout WordPress Plugin Exploit - Three Column Screen Layout WordPress Plugin 🔴 Exploit

Three Column Screen Layout WordPress Plugin 🔴 Exploit

Another website got hacked and the owner noticed weird chinese characters in search results for his website. weird chinese characters The index.php file contained the following code: Initially, the point of entry for this malicious code was a plugin...

deny code 1024x141 1 - Restrict 🚫 wp-admin to specific IP address

Restrict 🚫 wp-admin to specific IP address

To restrict access to the WordPress admin area (wp-admin) create a new file .htaccess inside your wp-admin folder and put the following code snippet: order deny, allow allow from 123.456.7.8 deny from all Replace 123.456.7.8 with your IP. You can...