From time to time I’m experiencing Connection timed out errors in cPanel > Sent Summary and I need a way to run MTR at that exact time to troubleshoot the network problem. For this I can create a new script, /usr/sbin/mtr -r -c 2...
When you have 30+ email filters set in cpanel, and you want to know exactly which one was triggered here is how to test: Step 1. Find the email location. Inside your Webmail look for the View Source or View Original option: Or navigate to the files...
Rescue mode can be used for a variety of things, including data recovery and OS restoration. How to Enable VPS rescue mode in Virtualizor? Step 1. Log in to your Virtualizor control Panel Step 2. Under List VPS select your VPS then click on the...
To enable debug mode in CakePHP go to config folder and open app.php find ‘debug’ => filter_var(env(‘DEBUG’, false), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN), and change the value of debug false to true Older CakePHP versions To enable...
Shell scripts are always to handy to do some tasks on a Linux-based server for SysAdmins, they can automate everything they do frequently through a shell script. Here I’m going to share a simple script that I got from Muhammed Fasal to monitor...
Virtualizor saves backups for each VPS in two files: .inf which contains JSON information about the VPS.img file which contains the actual OS image Because the Virtualizor interface allows you to see backup logs only for the last 50 backups, I...
Recently I did an article on Where are autoresponders and forwarders files on a cPanel server but what about email filters? Filter files for individual email accounts do not exist by default, but are created when user adds filters or cpanel user...
To add a custom logo to the cPanel login page you can either overwrite the default cPanel logo or upload a new one from WHM. How to overwrite cPanel login logo To overwrite the default logo, simply upload the file in the same folder: 1. SFTP to your...