Dealing with fake/spam WHMCS orders

Dealing with fake/spam WHMCS orders

Startng July 2024 there are numerous reports of fake/spam orders on WHMCS. Most of the orders have - or + in the email address and set country code to US, so we can block based on that.

In your installation directory navigate to: /includes/hooks/ and create file checkuser.php with the following content:

 * check user data
 * This hook checks user data, in order to prevent the user from registering
 * or later editing his data using:
 * - fake or disposable email addresses (using
 *   free API service
 * - special characters
 * - too long strings
 * @copyright  DomainRegister
 * License:    GNU General Public License v3.0

if (!defined("WHMCS"))
    die("This file cannot be accessed directly");

function checkuserdata($vars) {
    $email = $vars['email'];
    $elements = ['firstname','lastname','companyname','address1','address2','city','state','postcode','country','phonenumber','tax_id'];
    $usererrors = [];
    // chesk disabled if operation is done in admin area
    if ($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']=='/admin/clientsprofile.php'){

    if ($vars['country']=='US'){
        array_push($usererrors, "Sorry, for safety reasons no registration is allowed from USA: please <a href='/contact.php'>contact us</a> for further details.");

    foreach($elements as $element){
        if (checkstring($vars[$element])){
          array_push($usererrors, "Your ".$element." contains invalid characters");
         if (strlen($vars[$element])>150){
          array_push($usererrors, "Your ".$element." is too long");

    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '' . $email);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    $response = curl_exec($ch);
    $debug = var_export($response2, true);  
    if ($response2->disposable OR !$response2->mx)
        { array_push($usererrors, "Your email address is not valid");
    return $usererrors;

function checkstring ($string1)
     foreach($invalidchars as $character){
            if (strchr($string1, $character))
               { return true;

Stefan Pejcic
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