
Linux is a family of open-source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel. Some of the most popular Linux distributions include Debian, Fedora, and Ubuntu.

image 41 - cPanel information disclosure via env.cgi file

cPanel information disclosure via env.cgi file

CGI Environment Variables are used to display information when debugging applications or to pass that information to another script. If you search google for “env.cgi” you will find thousands of files that disclose sensitive information...

image 16 - DadaMail Error: SQL Server Connection

DadaMail Error: SQL Server Connection

After installing DadaMail via Softaculous auto-installer on cPanel the application is not accessible: DadaMail application error log file can be found at as discussed here grep errors.txt cgi-bin/APPLICATION_FOLDER/DADA/ Inside that error...

postgre db backup script - Postgres DB backup script

Postgres DB backup script

To export a postgres database We use the pg_dump command: pg_dump -U postgres -v DATABASE -f FILENAME.sql And to import it back we use psql: psql -U postgres -W -d "FILENAME.sql" < FILENAME.sql Now that we know these commands We can easily create...

image 27 - List all cronjobs for all cPanel users

List all cronjobs for all cPanel users

To list all cronjobs for all users on a cPanel server use the following command for user in $(cut -f1 -d: /etc/passwd); do crontab -u $user -l; done or: cat /var/spool/cron/* To list cronjobs for a single user, navigate to /var/spool and view the...

image 21 - How to block / quarantine extensions in Proxmox Mail Gateway

How to block / quarantine extensions in Proxmox Mail Gateway

To block incoming emails in Proxmox Mail Gateway that contain attachments with a specific extension, for example, .cab I recommend blocking both the extension (MIME type) and the filename (files that end with .cab). To do this first log in to...

Wallpaper Linux Red Hat Ubuntu 2910x1637 wallup  - How to check and change runlevels in RHEL

How to check and change runlevels in RHEL

A runlevel is one of the modes that a Unix-based OS will run on. Each runlevel has a certain number of services stopped or started, giving the user control over the behavior of the machine. The following runlevels are defined by default under Red...

executable sticky bit permission.jpg - What is a sticky Bit and how to set it in Linux

What is a sticky Bit and how to set it in Linux

In this tutorial we will see about Sticky Bit, so what is a sticky Bit and how to set it in Linux? The sticky bit is set on directories to forbid all the users in the system to rename or delete the directory or the files/directories inside the...