
Linux is a family of open-source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel. Some of the most popular Linux distributions include Debian, Fedora, and Ubuntu.

linux - 👨‍💻 Change the default SSH port in 🐧 Linux Server

👨‍💻 Change the default SSH port in 🐧 Linux Server

By default on Linux servers SSH runs on 22 port. We can change the default SSH port for Linux server as an added security measure. NOTE: Before changing the SSH port makes sure the new SSH port does not conflict with any known, used or blocked...

whoami - 4 commands to identify a logged user account in Linux

4 commands to identify a logged user account in Linux

Into this tutorial we will learn how to identify a user account or who is logged into system with commands like who or who am i. If multiple users use a single system, then everyone may have their own user account. At this time, it will be helpful...

Cracking Virtualizor

Virtualizor has a license verification function inside: /usr/local/virtualizor/main/functions.php content is encrypted, but in older versions, it wasn’t, so to bypass license verification you can simply replace the current file content with...

git - SVN vs Git commands

SVN vs Git commands

Back in 2017 when I built my very first WordPress plugin I had trouble uploading it to because I’ve never used SVN before. As a Git guy I’ve never worked with SVN before and at the time I was searching all over the web for...

linux - Linux / Unix rcp command

Linux / Unix rcp command

Copies files from one computer to another computer. Syntax rcp [-p] [-r] filename … directory -pAttempt to give each copy the same modification times, access times, modes, and ACLs if applicable as the original file.-rCopy each subtree rooted...

rclocal - How to enable rc.local

How to enable rc.local

To enable /etc/rc.local file run on system startup for server runing systemd, run:

systemctl enable rc-local

Then create /etc/rc.local file with 755 permission

touch /etc/rc.local
chmod 755 /etc/rc.local

linux - 🐧 Linux / Unix cp command

🐧 Linux / Unix cp command

cp command copies files from one location to another. Syntax cp [OPTION]… SOURCE DEST cp [OPTION]… SOURCE… DIRECTORY cp [OPTION]… –target-directory=DIRECTORY SOURCE… -a, –archivesame as ...