To alternate between mounting a Linux-formatted (ext2) floppy disk and a Windows-formatted (vfat) floppy disk: Create a directory like /mnt/winfloppyAs root, pico /etc/fstabEnter the following into fstab: /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy ext2...
In order, try these solutions:
As root, type:
/sbin/depmod -ae
As root, type (replace “2.4.7-10” with your kernel number):
insmod /lib/modules/2.4.7-10/kernel/drivers/cdrom/cdrom.o
Run at the command line:
cat /proc/meminfo = memory usage information
free = how much memory is currently unused
Parallel ports
Windows uses lpt1, lpt2, & lpt3.Linux uses /dev/lp0, /dev/lp1, & /dev/lp2.
Serial ports
Windows uses com1, com2, & so on.Linux uses /dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttyS1, & so on.
Let’s say you want to serve an ISO image of Red Hat 7.3 over a network so that others can mount and use it. To accomplish this goal, do the following: mkdir -p /pub/redhat/os dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/pub/redhat/cd1.iso mount -o loop...