
MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database used for high volume data storage. Instead of using tables and rows as in the traditional relational databases, MongoDB makes use of collections and documents.

compass - How to enable remote access to MongoDB 🍃 in cPanel

How to enable remote access to MongoDB 🍃 in cPanel

Here is how to enable remote access to MongoDB in cPanel: Open port on the firewallEnable remote access in mongodb.confCreate a new admin user for mongodb Open default MongoDB port 27017 on firewall Default port for mongodb is 27017 so we need to...

mongodb - How to allow remote connections to 🍃 MongoDB

How to allow remote connections to 🍃 MongoDB

If you are using MongoDB for development or you are running MongoDB database on the same server as your application, you probably do not want to expose MongoDB to the outside the local network. We can use bindIp option to allow remote access to...

mongodb - SQL to Mongo correspondence table

SQL to Mongo correspondence table

This list is the PHP version »SQL to Mongo correspondence table (there is a more general version in the official MongoDB manual). SQL queryMongo query statementCREATE TABLE USERS (a Number, b Number)Implicit creation...