This may be a small document but for the newbie, it’s painful trying to do it through a text screen. Here’s how:
at the prompt type cd /etc/xinetd.d press enter
then type ls press enter and it will look like this:
[root@TestSrvr xinetd.d]# ls
chargen echo imaps pop3s rsync talk vsftpd
chargen-udp echo-udp ipop2 rexec servers telnet
daytime finger ipop3 rlogin services time
daytime-udp imap ntalk rsh sgi_fam time-udp
each entry when opened with your favorite text editor look a bit like this:
# default: off
# description: The POP3 service allows remote users to access their mail \
# using an POP3 client such as Netscape Communicator, mutt, \
# or fetchmail.
service pop3
socket_type = stream
wait = no
user = root
server = /usr/sbin/ipop3d
log_on_success += HOST DURATION
log_on_failure += HOST
disable = yes
Notice the disable = yes, change the yes to no for all options in the previous list.
When finished run the following command /etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd restart press enter and after this those chosen functions will run whenever the machine is rebooted.